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Iria-Gael Romay graduated from the University of Santiago de Compostela with a BA in English in June 2006, and again in 2013 with a BA in Spanish. In October 2006 she was admitted to the PhD Programme in English Linguistics of the University of Santiago de Compostela and completed two years of postgraduate courses. From October 2008 to June 2009 she worked under contract as a research assistant to the VLCG project, and in July 2009 she obtained a four-year FPU research grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, to prepare a PhD under the supervision of Teresa Fanego and Paloma Núñez-Pertejo. In November 2009 she received one of the annual awards granted to junior investigators by AEDEAN, the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies.

As an ERASMUS exchange student Iria-Gael studied (2003-2004) at the University of Lublin (Poland). In the autumns of 2010 and 2011 she stayed at the Department of Psychology of Georgia State University, where she carried out research under the supervision of Prof. Şeyda Özçalışkan.

Iria-Gael has considerable experience in corpus compilation, having now completed the Comparable Corpus of Present-Day Spanish 1960-1990, a two-million-word corpus matching, in size and composition, the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus of British English (LOB) and the Freiburg–LOB Corpus of British English (F-LOB). Between August 2014 and August 2016 she worked at the Ramón Piñeiro Institute for Research in the Humanities, on a two-year competitive grant; she collaborated on the compilation of CORGA, the reference corpus of Present-Day Galician.

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MA Dissertation (January 2010): Verbs, manner and motion: A preliminary cognitive linguistic approach based on evidence from contemporary English. Supervisor: Paloma Núñez-Pertejo.


(2014). "Crosslinguistic influences on motion expression in English and Spanish". In Current research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on language and cognition, ed. by Paula Rodríguez-Puente, Teresa Fanego, Evelyn Gandón-Chapela, Sara Riveiro-Outeiral & Mª Luisa Roca-Varela. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-4438-5354-2, pp. 103-121 [first author, with Samantha N. Emerson].

(2012). “A preliminary study of metaphorical, neutral motion verbs in LOB and FLOB”. In  Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevall & Susagna Tubau, eds. At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain. Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 344-351. ISBN-10: 84-695-4273-7.

(2011). “A preliminary study of neutral motion verbs in LOB and FLOB”. In María Luisa Carrió Pastor & Miguel Angel Candel Mora, eds. Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones: Presente y futuro en el análisis de córpora. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 543-551. ISBN: 978-84-694-6225-6.

conference presentations:

See the entry Presentations on this website.

  Department of English and German | Facultad de Filología | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 15782 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
Web page designed by Juan Corral. Updated: 15 November 2019. © 2006 VLCG