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Daniela Pettersson-Traba has a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Santiago de Compostela (July 2014), an MA in English Studies (September 2015) and a PhD in English Linguistics (March 2021). Between 2016 and 2019 she held a competitive three-year postgraduate grant (ref. ED481A-2016/168) from the Regional Government of Galicia, to prepare her doctoral thesis. She has worked (2019-2022) as Lecturer in English at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, Extremadura, Zaragoza and Autónoma de Madrid; she now holds a tenure-track position as Lecturer ('Ayudante Doctora') at the Department of English Studies of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Daniela completed her Secondary Education at Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet (Västerås, Sweden). As an ERASMUS exchange student she studied at Roehampton University, UK (2012-2013), and between 2015 and 2017 she was actively involved in ESN Santiago (International Erasmus Student Network Santiago).

Daniela has received the Extraordinary MA Award 2015 from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the Extraordinary PhD Award 2020-2021 to the best dissertation defended at the USC in the fields of Linguistics, Philology and Philosophy. She has also obtained (November 2019) the ‘Catalina Montes’ Award to the best paper presented by a postgraduate student at the 43rd AEDEAN International Conference (University of Alicante). Her monograph The development of the concept of SMELL in American English: A usage-based view of near-synonymy (Mouton de Gruyter, 2022) has been honoured with three major book awards from AELINCO (Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics), AEDEAN (Spanish Association for English and American Studies), and ESSE (European Society for the Study of English): respectively, the 2023 Award for Early Career Researchers, the Leocadio Martín Mingorance’ Book Award 2023 for Theoretical and Applied English Linguistics, and the ESSE 2024 Book Award in English Language and Linguistics - Category B.

As a postgraduate student and postdoc, Daniela has stayed at the Department of English of University College London (April 2016), the Department of Linguistics of KU Leuven (Spring 2017), the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro Regional de Braga (July 2019), and the Complutense University of Madrid (November 2021-February 2022).

Daniela has experience in the organization of research meetings, such as the VI Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora (12-13 June 2018), sponsored by the International Doctorate School at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Contact information:

Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura
Facultad de Filología
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Plaza Menéndez Pelayo s/n
28040 Madrid
Office: 318.1

MA Dissertation (September 2015): A preliminary corpus-based diachronic analysis of the behavioral profile of a set of near-synonyms in American English. Supervisor: María José López-Couso

PhD Dissertation (24 March 2021):  A corpus-based study on near-synonymy: The concept PLEASANT SMELLING in 19th- and 20th-century American English (International Mention; grade: Cum laude; Extraordinary PhD Award 2020-2021). Supervisor: María José López-Couso. Examiners: Pascual Cantos (University of Murcia), Kathryn Allan (University College London), Belén Méndez-Naya (USC). Click here for a press release.

H-index & Publications:

(2024). "Mind, language and society: Theoretical and descriptive approaches in cognitive linguistics". Cognitive Linguistic Studies 11(1): 1-7. [Second author, with Mario Serrano-Losada].

(2024). Ed., with Mario Serrano-Losada. Cognitive approaches to mind, language and society: Theory and description. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 11(1): 1-253.

(2023). "Sobre la interrelación entre lengua y sociedad: La industrialización como motor de cambio semántico en el dominio del olfato". Revista Española de Lingüística 53(1): 199-228. Special issue Más allá de la metáfora: La lingüística cognitiva y sus aplicaciones en España, edited by María Ángeles Jurado-Bravo, Inés Lozano-Palacio & Gitte Kristiansen.

(2022). "Ongoing semantic change in a modernizing society: A look at some adjectives from the olfactory domain in the Corpus of Historical American English". Corpora 17(3): 389-421. DOI 10.3366/cor.2022.0264

(2022). "Collocation as a measure of semantic (dis)similarity: Revisiting the concept PLEASANT SMELLING". In Moving beyond the pandemic: English and American studies in Spain, ed. by Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María del Carmen Camus-Camus & Jesús Ángel González-López. Santander: Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 100-108. ISBN: 978-84-19024-15-2.

(2022). The Development of the Concept of SMELL in American English: A usage-based view of near-synonymy (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics, Volume 51). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN: 9783110792294; 267 pp.-- Volume honoured with AELINCO's 2023 Award for Early Career Researchers; AEDEAN’s 2023 Book Award for Theoretical and Applied English Linguistics; and the ESSE 2024 Book Awards in English Language and Linguistics - Category B. Reviews: Moisés Almela-Sánchez, English Language and Linguistics (2023).

(2022). Review of Paula Rautionaho, Arja Nurmi & Juhani Klemola (eds.), Corpora and the changing society: Studies in the evolution of English (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020). ICAME Journal 46(1): 43-47.

(2022). "Distributional changes in synonym sets: The case of fragrantscented, and perfumed in 19th- and 20th-century American English". In English Historical Linguistics: Historical English in Contact, ed. by Bettelou Los, Chris Cummins, Lisa Gotthard, Alpo Honkapohja & Benjamin Molineaux. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 359). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 120-141.

(2021). "A diachronic perspective on near-synonymy: The concept of SWEET-SMELLING in American English". Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17(2): 319-349.

(2021). II Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora. A investigación predoutoral na USC: cara os novos retos sociaisSantiago de Compostela, 29-31 de xaneiro de 2014. Libro de resumos. (Colección cursos e congresos da USC, vol. 259). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN 978-84-18445-32-3. [Second editor, with Cristina Blanco-García.]

(2020). "Lexical variation in the history of American English: Attraction and differentiation in a synonym set". In Thresholds and Ways Forward in English Studies, ed. by Lourdes López Ropero, Sara Prieto García-Cañedo & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 235-248. ISBN: 978-84-1302-079-2.

(2019). "Measuring semantic distance across time: An analysis of the collocational profiles of a set of near synonyms in American English". Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science 6(2): 138-165. DOI 10.1558/jrds.40245

(2019). Técnicas de escritura da lingua inglesa: ensaios discursivos. (Colección Unidades Didácticas; Servizo de Normalización Lingüística). Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN: 978-84-17595-61-6. [First author, with Iván Tamaredo-Meira & Paloma Núñez-Pertejo]

(2019). Técnicas de escritura da lingua inglesa: cartas. (Colección Unidades Didácticas; Servizo de Normalización Lingüística). Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN: 978-84-17595-62-3. [Second author, with Iván Tamaredo-Meira &  Paloma Núñez-Pertejo]

(2019).  As variedades intranacionais e internacionais do inglés. (Colección Unidades Didácticas; Servizo de Normalización Lingüística). Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN: 978-84-17595-60-9. [First author, with María José López-Couso.]

(2018). "Revisiting you know and I mean: Some notes on the functions of the two pragmatic markers in contemporary spoken American English." Research in Corpus Linguistics 6: 67-81.

(2016). "Analyzing the behavioral profiles of sets of near-synonyms in American English from a diachronic perspective". Actas de las II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, 31 mayo-2 junio 2016. Murcia: Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. ISBN 978-84-608-9778-1. [Published online].

conference presentations:

2-4 October 2024: 8th International Conference on Late Modern English, University of Salamanca: "The scent of change: Unveiling the impact of the industrial revolution on olfactory language".

23-25 October 2023: El papel de las universidades en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: innovación docente y experiencias significativas, Complutense University of Madrid: Inés de la villa Vencilla, Daniela Pettersson-Traba & Mario Serrano-Losada, "Open Woodclap and learn: El uso de plataformas digitales para fomentar el aprendizaje activo en el aula universitaria" [poster].

10-12 May 2023: 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics - CILC 2023, University of Oviedo: Participation in the round table De la teoría a los datos y de los datos a la teoría: Aplicaciones estadísticas en lingüística de corpus. Convenor: Javier Pérez-Guerra (University of Vigo); other participants: Pascual Cantos (University of Murcia), Javier Pérez-Guerra (University of Vigo), Yolanda Fernández-Pena (University of Vigo), Iván Tamaredo (Complutense University of Madrid), David Tizón-Couto (University of Vigo).

16-18 November 2022: 45th AEDEAN Conference, University of Extremadura (Cáceres): "On the interconnection between language and society: Exploring the role of extralinguistic factors in semantic change".

27-29 April 2022: AESLA 2022 (International Conference of the Spanish Association for Applied Linguistics), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: "Exploring mirativity: A cross-linguistic approach to English, Spanish and Swedish discours-pragmatic finally-type adverbials" [with Mario Serrano-Losada].

24-25 January 2022: 4th International UCM Predoctoral Conference on English Linguistics (UPCEL 2022), Universidad Complutense de Madrid: "Changes in the prototypicality of competing forms: A diachronic collocational analysis".

24-26 November 2021: 44th AEDEAN International Conference, University of Cantabria: "A diachronic DCA analysis of the concept PLEASANT SMELLING in American English: Shared tendencies and idiosyncratic patterns".

17-18 June 2021: New voices in English studies. ASYRAS VII Conference: "Synonyms and the company they keep: On the influence of abstract and specific co-occurrence patterns on lexical choice".

4 June 2021: IDAES Graduate Day 2021, University of Vigo: "The concept PLEASANT SMELLING in the history of English: Main findings and ways forward".

27-28 May 2021: Research in Anglo-American Literature, Culture and Linguistics: Conference for Postgraduate and Early-Career Scholars, University of Valladolid: "Tracing changes in the meaning of near-synonyms through collocational analysis".

28-30 April 2021: XII International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2021), University of Murcia: "Collocational preferences at different levels of granularity: Near-synonyms from the domain of SMELL as a case in point".

13-15 November 2019: 43rd AEDEAN Conference, University of Alicante: "Lexical variation in the history of American English: Attraction and differentiation in a synonym set".

15-17 May 2019: CILC2019, University of Valencia: "Accounting for the role of individual collocates on the choice between near-synonyms: A diachronic approach".

7-9 November 2018: 42nd AEDEAN Conference, University of Córdoba: "Modeling the choice of near-synonyms in the recent history of American English: The case of fragrant, perfumed, and scented".

27-31 August 2018: ICEHL XX, University of Edinburgh (UK): "Distributional changes in synonym sets: The case of fragrantscented, and perfumed in 19th- and 20th-century American English"

12-13 June 2018: VI Encontro da Mocidade investigadora en Artes e Humanidades, Ciencias Sociais e Xurídicas, University of Santiago de Compostela: "Measuring semantic similarity in Late Modern and Contemporary American English: A corpus-based study".

30 May-3 June 2018: ICAME 39, University of Tampere (Finland): "Synonymy revisited: Some diachronic notes on the concept SWEET-SMELLING in American English".

4-5 April 2017: Santiago-Leuven-Edinburgh Seminar on Grammatical Variation and Change in English, KU Leuven: “A diachronic account of the behavioral profiles of fragrantperfumed, scented, and sweet-smelling in American English: A pilot study”.

9-10 June 2016: IV Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora, University of Santiago de Compostela, "A diachronic behavioral profile study of near-synonyms in American English: Adjectives as a case in point".

31 May-2 June 2016: II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, University of Murcia: "Analyzing the behavioral profiles of sets of near-synonyms in American English from a diachronic perspective".

10-11 December 2015: II Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación Lingüística, University of Extremadura: "Is it fragrant, perfumed, scented, or sweet-smelling? A preliminary diachronic corpus-based behavioral profile study of near-synonyms in American English, with a focus on collocational behavior".

  Department of English and German | Facultad de Filología | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 15782 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
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