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Beatriz Mato-Míguez holds an MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Santiago de Compostela (June 2008); between October 2008 and September 2010 she completed, on a grant from the Autonomous Government of Galicia, the postgraduate courses required for admission to the PhD Programme in English Studies and publicly defended her preliminary MA dissertation; she then worked as a research assistant to the VLCG project (October 2010-July 2011). Between November 2011 and November 2015 she worked at the Department of English on a four-year FPU research grant (ref. AP2010-4570) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, preparing a PhD, under the supervision of Teresa Fanego and María José López-Couso, on isolated if-clauses and other directives in relation to insubordination.

In November 2010 Beatriz received one of the annual awards granted to junior investigators by AEDEAN, the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies.

Contact information:

Department of English and German
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
E-15782 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN

MA Dissertation (March 2011): A preliminary approach to isolated if-clauses in Contemporary English. Supervisor: María José López-Couso.

PhD Dissertation (6 October 2016): The expression of directive meaning: A corpus-based study on the variation between insubordinated if-clauses, imperatives and conditionals in Contemporary Spoken British and American English. Supervisors: Teresa Fanego and María José López-Couso.


(2016). "The expression of directive meaning: A corpus-based study on the variation between imperatives, conditionals and insubordinated if-clauses in spoken British English". In Corpus linguistics on the move: Exploring and understanding English through corpora (Language and Computers Series), ed. by María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya, Paloma Núñez-Pertejo & Ignacio Palacios-Martínez. Amsterdam/New York: Brill/Rodopi, pp. 291-312.

(2014). "Looking into the relation between imperatives and isolated if-clauses: Evidence from spoken British and American English". In Building interdisciplinary knowledge. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain, ed. by Esther Álvarez López, Emilia María Durán Almarza & Alicia Menéndez Tarrazo. Oviedo: AEDEAN & KRK Ediciones, pp. 365-373. ISBN 978-84-8367-475-8.

(2014). "Are isolated if-clauses independent clauses? Evidence from spoken British and American English". In Current research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on language and cognition, ed. by Paula Rodríguez-Puente, Teresa Fanego, Evelyn Gandón-Chapela, Sara Riveiro-Outeiral & Mª Luisa Roca-Varela. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 48-71. ISBN (10): 1-4438-5354-2.

(2014). "If you would like to lead: on the grammatical status of directive isolated if-clauses in spoken British English". In Diachrony and synchrony in English corpus linguistics, ed. by Alejandro Alcaraz-Sintes & Salvador Valera-Hernández (Linguistic Insights Series 181). Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 259-283.

(2013). "Exploring the grammatical status and discourse functions of directive isolated if-clauses in spoken British and American English". Published abstract of IWoDA'13 (Second International Workshop on Discourse Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, June 19th-21st 2013), pp. 58-59. ISBN C-1219-2013.

(2012). "Las oraciones condicionales independientes en inglés británico hablado: estudio preliminar". Interlingüística XXII, vol. 2: 159-168. Edited by P. Álvaro Mosquera, C. Amorós Negre, M. Fernández del Viso Garrido, L. Gago Gómez, V.M. García González, J. López Vázquez, L. Martín Aizpiru, C.H. Sánchez Gutiérrez & R. Sánchez Romo. Salamanca: Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas y Luso-Española de Ediciones S. L.

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  Department of English and German | Facultad de Filología | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 15782 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
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